Nimby Storage Units
Nimby Storage Units


  • What is self-storage?

    Nimby Storage Units is a self-storage facility that allows you to rent storage space on a month-to-month basis at affordable rates in a secure facility, using your own lock and key. It’s an easily accessible, convenient and private way to store your goods. You can access the storage facility free of charge at any time via our gate keeper system.

  • What can I store?

    You can store practically anything from personal and household goods to business items, including vehicles, boats, caravans, trailers, office furniture, documents, excess stock, promotional items, tools and equipment.

  • Who uses self-storage?

    Home owners, business owners, students, government organisations and individuals who are currently building or relocating. Being close to the Lebombo Border with Mozambique and the increasing costs of fuel, the secure facility provides various options for your goods.

  • When can I access my storage unit?

    Our gate hours are 24/7, 365 days a year. The tenant and representative are loaded onto our gate keeper system for ease of access. Entry and exit is logged via our security and CCTV system.

  • What size storage units are available?

    The sizes range from 18m² (single garage) to 54m².

  • What may I store inside the unit?

    You may store just about anything, but nothing flammable, illegal, combustible, or anything that may endanger other’s property (see prohibited items).

  • Do I require a deposit?

    Yes, one month’s rental is required as a deposit, which is refundable as per the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement.

  • What is the minimum term of lease?

    One calendar month.

  • How much notice needs to be given when I move out?

    We require one calendar months notice given in writing before the first of the month.

  • How does payment work?

    You can pay via electronic funds transfer(EFT) or deposit by the first of every month.

  • What about insurance?

    You must provide your own insurance cover.

  • Is the property safe and secure?

    The property is secured with 3m high double brick walls and 2,4m high Clearvu fencing with electric fencing on top. The electric fencing is alarmed. The access is via an electric gate and the property has CCTV which is monitored 24/7 and has 24 hour armed response.

Terms and Conditions

    The Storage Unit may not be used as a dwelling, workshop or shelter. Only movable property, as per the Agreement of Lease, may be stored. No goods that are perishable, illegal, hazardous, a fire risk, explosive, foul smelling or anything that constitutes a risk or nuisance to the staff or other Tenants of the Storage Units in the Building, in any way, may be stored. Nothing is allowed to be attached to the roof, the roof trusses, rafters or the walls of the Storage Unit or the Building. No animals or goods that may jeopardise the insurance policy of the Landlord for the Building shall be stored.
    Electronic access to the facility will be provided to the Tenant at all times during the period stated in the Agreement of Lease. The Representative nominated by the Tenant in the Agreement of Lease, will have access to the Storage Unit, in the event that the Tenant is unavailable for any reason. Access will only be granted to the Representative if positive proof of identification is provided, as well as written authority by the Tenant. Both occupation and vacating of the Storage Unit may only take place on weekdays between 08h00 and 17h00, unless arranged previously with the Landlord and all outstanding payments have been settled.
    All Storage Units have four bolts holes, two for the Tenant and two for the Landlord. Padlocks must be provided by the Tenant for two of the bolts only, leaving the others free.
    The Tenant must pay the deposit together with the first month’s rental. The deposit will be refunded to the Tenant within fourteen (14) days after the termination of the lease after deductions are made for unpaid rental, or costs incurred by the Landlord for the repair or cleaning of the Storage Unit, or the removal of any property left in the Storage Unit, should this be necessary. The deposit shall not constitute any rental.
    It is the Tenant’s responsibility to insure his/her own property in the Storage Unit. However, the Landlord will endeavour at all times to keep the Building in which the Storage Unit is located safe.

Please Note: The Storage Units can accumulate dust as a result of the burning of sugar cane in the area. The Lessee needs to ensure that his/her goods are covered at all times.

Nimby Storage Units

© 2022 Nimby Storage Units